Privacy policy

Version: V1.0

Update date: 2023/7/7

Effective date: 2023/7/7


The following uses this application to refer to the Spider proxy app and related services involved.


1. Data storage

This application focuses on the privacy of personal data. All HTTP(S) requests you use Spider proxy sniffing are only stored locally. Spider proxy does not connect to any remote VPN server.

When you use the software to generate data, you are deemed to have agreed to all the contents of this privacy policy. This privacy policy is an integral part of the software service use agreement.


2. Data collections

In order to ensure the stability of the application, the application will use some third-party services, such as Fabric for crash collection and Cloudkit to do some lightweight data storage, which will only collect the user's error data (the cause of the crash) and the necessary device information (device model, operating system version number).


3. Legal provisions

Since the application is globally released, you must comply with the legal provisions of your country. In particular, in China, in order to maintain online public order and social stability, please consciously abide by the following terms:


() This application shall not be used to endanger national security, disclose state secrets, infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of national social collectives and citizens, and shall not use this application to produce, copy and disseminate the following information:


(1) Inciting resistance or undermining the implementation of the Constitution, laws and administrative regulations;

(2) Inciting subversion of state power and overthrowing the socialist system;

(3) Inciting secession or undermining national unity;

(4) Inciting national hatred and discrimination, and undermining national unity;

(5) Fabricating or distorting facts, spreading rumors, and disturbing social order;

(6) Promoting feudal superstition, obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, homicide, terror and incitement to commit crimes;

(7) Publicly insulting others or fabricating facts to slander others, or carrying out other malicious attacks;

(8) Damage to the reputation of state organs;

(9) Other violate the Constitution, laws and administrative regulations;


() It is forbidden to sabotage the application in any way.


() It is forbidden to imitate or plagiarize the application in any form, causing damage to the intellectual property rights of the application.